If there’s one thing that defines the Vaudois landscape, it’s its diversity! Depending on the destination, you’ll wake up in the heart of the vineyards, near a lake or in the mountains. Whether you’re a city or nature lover, there is something to suit every taste, the key element being a historical, cultural and architectural heritage that is worth seeing!

The regions of the Canton of Vaud

Aigle-Leysin-Col des Mosses Avenches Echallens Région Lausanne Montreux Riviera Morges Région Moudon Région Nyon Région Pays-d’Enhaut-Rossinière-Château-d’Oex-Rougemont Payerne Région Vallée de Joux Villars-Gryon-Les Diablerets-Bex Vully-les-Lacs Yverdon-les-Bains Région